Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Trailer Tuesday - The Great Gatsby

The newest trailer for this summer's sure-to-be-blockbuster The Great Gatsby has made me want to see this film even more than I did before (if that was even possible). Check it out and see what I mean:

WOW! What a beautifully made trailer! Even if you weren't interested in this film before, you can't deny that this trailer makes you more intrigued with the film.

The first trailer gave us a mere glimpse of what director Baz Luhrmann has in store for us this May. The newest trailer shows us that he is pulling out all the stops to bring the classic tale of the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby to the big screen. We've already seen what he can do with a classic tale (William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet) and a story of his own creation (Moulin Rouge!) so it's safe to say we are in for quite the ride with Luhrmann's latest work.

The trailer depicts a bright and colourful world where the wealthy live a glamourous life but have some serious secrets to bare. The film takes place during the roaring 20s so the costumes, props and sets are going to be spectacular. And what this trailer solidifies for the audience is that the soundtrack is going to be fantastic. It's a 3D movie that really shouldn't be one but I actually can't wait to see it in this format.

Luhrmann has a very unique way of telling a story through film. And one of the tools he uses to tell his story is through music. Like fellow director Quentin Tarantino, Luhrmann ensures that each song used in his films help to set the tone of the story and aid to the overall depiction of each scene. In this trailer, like the one before it, we are treated to several great song choices: "No Church in the Wild" by Jay Z, Kanye West and Frank Ocean, "Bedroom Hymns" by Florence and the Machine, and the eerie rendition of "So Happy Together" by Filter. This cover of a light, happy song, by Filter is the perfect fit for this trailer and I hope it is setting up for the tone of the film. It is quite possibly the best song choice for a trailer I have seen lately (just narrowly beating Jay Z's Brooklyn We Go Hard used in the trailer for 42 - check out that trailer review here).

For those of you who question Luhrmann's song choices for the upcoming Gatsby, let me remind you of his two films that were mentioned earlier in this post. Luhrmann has a knack for incorporating modern music into his films that generally take place in a time before the songs (or even their genres) were created. Trust his instincts as they are usually bang on. And if you need further proof, check out this clip from Moulin Rouge!:

The Great Gatsby, pushed back from it's original December 2012 release, is set to hit the big screen on May 10, 2013.

For more information on the film, check out the wikipedia page or the film's official page.

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