Monday, February 4, 2013

Hit and Run AKA Crap and Run

Hit and Run
Directors: David Palmer and Dax Shepard
Starring: Dax Shepard, Kristen Bell, and Bradley Cooper
Box Office: $13,746,550 (USA)
DVD Review

This movie made me sad. So sad. I think it was supposed to make me laugh but I don't think I laughed once. There might have been a small chuckle here and there, but nothing to write home about. I expected a lot more from this film and instead, was left questioning the careers of several actors involved in this movie.

Hit and Run is an action-comedy starring Dax Shepard as Charlie Bronson, a man under Witness Protection, living in a small town in California. His girlfriend, Annie (Kristen Bell) is a professor at the local college with a doctorate in Non-Violent Conflict Resolution, a major she created herself at Stanford University. Her supervisor Debbie (Kristin Chenoweth) recommends Annie for a job heading up a newly created Conflict Resolution program at the University of California, scheduling an interview to take place in a matter of days. Debbie adds that if she does not go to the interview, Annie will not have a job at the college.

Annie tells Charlie of her predicament, upsetting him as he used to live in Los Angeles prior to enrolling in the Witness Protection Program and cannot follow her there if she moves. Though Annie decides not to go, Charlie changes his mind and insists on taking her to L.A., making the decision to move with her. Before leaving, Annie realizes that she has left her teaching certificate with her ex-boyfriend, Gil (Michael Rosenbaum) and must retrieve it from his home. Gil is aware of Charlie being in Witness Protection and strongly advises Annie not to go with him. He decides to follow them and has his brother, a police officer, trace them as well. Also following the unknowing couple is inept US Marshall Randy (Tom Arnold) who can`t seem to do anything right.

Gil discovers Charlie's true identity and uses it to look into his past, discovering that he used to be a getaway driver who testified in bank robbery case against his former friends including Alexander Dmitri (Bradley Cooper), who is determined to get the money he is owed from the botched robbery from Charlie. And so the action begins.

First off, I'm glad I didn't see this film in theatres. It was released in August 2012, which as we here at Don't Sit Next To Us have stated before, is a month of unwinding from the summer blockbusters and can generally produce some decent, underrated films. I put this film on the back burner, and luckily, it stayed there.

The film was completely horrible. There were some elements that stood out: story was decent. Just fell flat. Didn't go up, didn't go down. Just stayed flat. Had promise, just couldn't follow through. I still haven't figured out where the climax of the plot was. And I don't think I will ever know. Actors were great. Just didn't have much to work with. There were a few funny moments. Just not enough. Action was great. Car chases with old American muscle cars is always fun to watch. The best part of the film was the score. Not sure if  Shepard himself chose the accompanying music for each scene, but if he did, kudos to him! I loved it! Unexpected and perfect. The best way to describe the choices.

I get were Shepard was going with this film. Just didn't get there fast enough. It was smart. But maybe too smart for its own good. Too much political undertones and not enough laugh out loud moments.

Final Verdict: Skip it. An action comedy that has enough action but not nearly enough comedy. A throw back action film that accomplished the stylistic points nicely but that's it. Another film to add to the "crap" pile.

Rotten Tomatoes

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