Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Meeting Evil AKA Meeting Crap

Meeting Evil
Director: Chris Fisher
Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, Luke Wilson, and Leslie Bibb
Box Office: - no accurate stats available
DVD Review

Wow. I'm finding it hard to describe my exact feelings on this film. It was that mind-blowing. But if you didn't guess already by the title of this review, you should know that it wasn't mind-blowing in a good way.

Meeting Evil is a strange film. Right from the beginning, you're unsure of the tone that director Fisher was going for. I think he was trying to go for a Donnie Darko type tone, but never quite gets there.

The film takes place in an unknown southern state where John Felton (Wilson) lives with his wife Joanie (Bibb) and their two kids. John has just been fired from his real estate job and returns home to find a foreclosure notice on his door. He is irate and takes his anger out on his family who have surprised him with cake for his birthday. Joanie takes the kids to the local park to give John his space.

Someone knocks on the front door and John answers it to find a man calling himself Richie (Jackson). Richie's car broke down and he needs a push. John pushes the car while Richie steers, rigging the car to backfire, which injures John's knee. The audience is shown Richie's ulterior motives: he is trying to kill John. (This is shown when Richie pulls a gun out on an unsuspecting John, but is hindered when a little girl is shown watching him).

The film continues on a weird journey with John and Richie going from one crazy situation to the next; each time with Richie taking matters to the extreme. You never quite know what is going on and you never truly find out. Which I guess was the point the writers were going for, but the writing was not good enough to accomplish this feat.

I hated this film. Hated it. I usually love films that Jackson is in. This one stunk. There was a reason why this film went straight to DVD: it was a geunine mistake that should never have been filmed. Everything was bad about the film: the music, the writing, the acting. Even decent actors Jackson and Wilson couldn't bring any life to this dull and awkward film.

Final Verdict: Skip it. It's not the first time Jackson has done a crappy movie and sadly, it won't be the last.  Meeting Evil - a clever, to the point title about a movie that never quite seems to develop into anything more than a mindless thriller with over-the-top acting and underwhelming plot points.

Rotten Tomatoes

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