Thursday, February 7, 2013

Throwback Thursday - Charlie's Angels

Charlie's Angels
Director: McG
Starring: Drew Barrymore, Carmen Diaz, and Lucy Liu
Released: 2000
Box Office Gross: $124, 400, 000 (USA)
Throwback Review

Before the Super Bowl started on Sunday, I was flipping through the TV channels and came across Charlie's Angels and decided to watch it. My dad joined me and we shared a few laughs while enjoying this action-comedy from 2000.

For those of you who don't know, Charlie's Angels was a film based on the television series from the 70s of the same name. John Forsythe, who voiced the faceless Charlie in the original series, returned to the role in this film.

Three "Angels" Natalie (Diaz), Dylan (Barrymore), and Alex (Liu), are individually talented, tough and attractive women who work as special agents for an unseen millionaire named Charlie (Forsythe). Charlie communicates through a speaker to the Angels and his assistant, Bosley (Bill Murray) who works with them directly.

The Angels are assigned to retrieve recently kidnapped Eric Knox (Sam Rockwell), a software genius who has created a revolutionary voice-recognition software that can pinpoint a person`s location by voice. Knox is believed to be kidnapped by the head of a communications satellite company called Redstar (Tim Curry) and a man simply known as the Thin Man (Crispin Glover). The Angels must take on these suspects and also infiltrate the company in order to determine who was behind Knox`s kidnapping and what their intentions are with regards to the voice-recognition software.

This film does not incorporate the most original story, but it accomplishes exactly what it should: it`s an action-comedy about females who can kick butt. And while they`re kicking butt, they`re being beautiful and making you laugh. What more can you ask for from a film of this nature? If you`re asking for more, you shouldn`t be watching this film! 

Barrymore, Diaz and Liu were the perfect choices to play the Angels in this film. They are likeable, attractive and funny actress who are somewhat believable as special agents who can seemingly do it all. They look to be really enjoying being in this film and playing these characters which definitely helps with their portrayals. The supporting cast is phenomenal (Rockwell, Murray, Glover and Curry) and they are able to play their roles so well, without overshadowing the three female leads (who the film wants the audience to focus on). 

With McG behind the camera, the film showcases plenty of action and some really well-choregraphed fight scenes. Add in a great soundtrack and you have some high-energetic, entertaining scenes. 

Final Verdict: See it. It`s fun and very entertaining. You`ll laugh and you`ll definitely shake your head at some of the antics these Angels get away with. But you will smile when you`re doing it. Take it for what it is and you`ll enjoy it.

Rotten Tomatoes

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah...I can see you & Uhrich sitting there watching Lucy Lu strut around kickin'butt!!