Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Trailer Tuesdays - World War Z

Trailer Tuesdays continue with an extended teaser trailer for a film that is set to be released in June 2013.

This week, I stumbled upon an interesting trailer for a Brad Pitt film. Typically, I am not overly enthusiastic about his films, but I must say, I was pleasantly surprised and completely intrigued by the trailer. Check it out the trailer for World War Z and see what you think:

As you can see from the trailer, this is not your typical Brad Pitt film. That was the first thing that intrigued me. The second thing was the omnious depiction of end of day-like action from the general public. Nothing is shown to really tell the audience why the public is going crazy. A high level of pandemonium is created by simple cutbacks to helicopters, soldiers, and the massive hoards of people running at seemingly supernatural speeds.

This trailer does a great job of getting you hooked from the get-go. And like a true movie geek, this led me to research more on the film. Based on a novel of the same name, World War Z is about....you guessed it! Zombies! This film is strategically being released right in the thick of the world's recent craze of zombies.

I generally like end of days-type films but I am a little unsure on the zombies aspect. However, in doing further research into the film, I have discovered that screenwriter and director Drew Goddard rewrote the third and final act of the film. This is the third thing that has intrigued me greatly on this film. For those unfamiliar with his work, Goddard is best known for his numerous collaborations with Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, The Cabin in the Woods) and J.J. Abrams (Lost, Cloverfield). My inner geek is smiling from ear to ear with this fact.

As of right now, I am suggesting that this film be added to the upcoming Summer 2013 Movie List. Might have to see one more trailer and research a little more before we can make a final decision.

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