Monday, November 26, 2012

Men In Black 3 aka Will Smith Never Ages

Men In Black 3
Director: Barry Sonnenfeld
Starring: Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, and Josh Brolin
Box Office: $621,568,042 (Worldwide)
DVD Review

Originally, Christine and I saw MIB 3 in theatre when it was first released. It was put on the movie list simply out of good faith. We loved the first film; the second was questionable. We thought the concept of having Will Smith's character "J" travel back in time was genius as it would be a true trilogy (showing the audience that something we thought was true was in fact not the truth and then having it all come full circle). We were pleased with the outcome of this third installment in the Men in Black franchise. (On a side note - can you believe it has been 15 years since the first film was released? And Smith looks like he hasn't aged a day since then!)

Men In Black 3 begins with Boris the Animal, a menacing alien criminal escaping from his prison on the Moon. He begins his revenge on Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) who had arrested him in 1969. Agent J (Smith) awakens to a world where Agent K no longer exists however, he remembers him and specific details of his life. Agent O (Emma Thompson) deduces from J's insistence that K defeated Boris (and did not die that day in 1969 like everyone now believes) that a fracture ihas occurred in the space-time continuum. J travels back in time on a mission to save K by ensuring he arrests Boris, as it was suppose to be.

It's always interesting to see how a film will carry out a time travel plot line. Generally, it is not done well (ie Timeline). However, the amount of effort that was put into developing this film indeed helped the effectiveness of the time travel plot line. The devil is in the details and the people behind Men In Black 3 clearly realized that when creating this film.

Smith is as funny as ever in this role. He certainly carries the film. But the rest of the cast manage to keep up with him, especially Josh Brolin who portrays the young version of Agent K. His voice and mannerisms are almost spot on with regards to those of Jones. Jermaine Clement as Boris the Animal might be one of the most disturbing evil characters I have ever seen. He is absolutely disgusting and I cringed every time he appeared on screen. Which to me, made a great alien-villain for this film. 

This film was far more superior than its predecessor and is everything you want in an action, sci-fi film. It revitalized the Men In Black franchise and due to its box office success, there is already talk of a fourth installment. Sometimes, movie production companies just don't know when to leave a good thing alone.

Final Verdict: See it. But definitely watch the two previous films first. You will be pleased with the final result in this film. If you love Will Smith, you will love him in this role that has become one of his most well known to date. Lots of laughs and lots of fun. Definitely enjoyable.

Rotten Tomatoes

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