Thursday, November 1, 2012

Throwback Thursdays - Salt aka Angelina Jolie isn't COMPLETELY Awful

Throwback Thursdays have begun!

Every Thursday, we will bring you a review of a "throwback" film - something that wasn't released within the last year. Sometimes they will be one of our all-time favourite flicks; sometimes it will be something we randomly stumble upon. And we take suggestions too of what you want us to review!

The other day I was looking for something to watch on Netflix. I needed something to watch before I went to sleep and saw that Netflix had recently added Salt. I enjoyed the movie the first time I saw it in theatre back in 2010 so I decided to give it another whirl. And so came the first Throwback Thursday review for Don't Sit Next To Us.

Director: Phillip Noyce
Starring: Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber, and Chiwetel Ejiofor
Released: 2010
Box Office: $293,503,304 (Worldwide)
Throwback Review

The film stars Angelina Jolie as Evelyn Salt, a C.I.A. agent who is accused of being a Russian sleeper agent part of "Day-X", a plot that plans to destroy the United States by using spies trained from childhood. Salt is told that she is an agent called "KA-12" and will kill the Russian president, a reformer who has heavily invested in measures to improve relations between Russia and the United States. Salt protests her innocence, breaks free from the C.I.A., insisting on seeing her husband. After realizing he has been kidnapped, she goes on the run. And so the action ensues.

This was a surprise for our Summer Movie List 2010. The trailers peaked our interest due to it's decent action scenes and of course, conspiracy theories, which we just love. However, Jolie as the star had us reluctant to believe it could actually be a good movie. The title role was originally intended for a male actor, however Columbia Pictures (the studio behind the movie) suggested Jolie as the lead after Tom Cruise backed out. This was a great move - go with the lesser of two evils! And I must admit, she was pretty good in this role. Jolie proves that she can carry a film, especially if it is a decent action one. After years of playing strong "action hero" type characters in lackluster films, she deserves one with a little more clout.

The supporting characters, Liev Schreiber and Chiwetel Ejiofor, are perfectly cast. Not overly huge roles, as the majority of the film focuses on Jolie's character, Schreiber and Ejiofor deliver performances that go beyond expectations for characters who are provided little to no plot lines, save some minor twists and turns that are very much expected.

It's a bold and encompassing story - conspiracy theories, especially in American government, are very tough to carryout on the big screen. Audiences can generally nit pick and find numerous holes in the plot that could very well turn the story from serious to seriously ridiculous in a matter of minutes. However, the action and the sometimes illogical twists, keep the audience hooked until the end.

Final Verdict: See it. A spy vs. spy type thriller that keeps you entertained. It's not the smartest movie, so don't argue with its logic. It's meant to be a fun, action-packed film akin to the Mission: Impossible series. And if you're like me and can't stand Jolie, you will be presently surprised with her believable performance in this film.

Rotten Tomatoes

1 comment:

Christine said...

I usually like Angelina Jolie's characters. They're usually very capable and is up there with Milla Jovovich in terms of action-star credibility.

And Salt isn't a bad movie, give it a try folks.