Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Premium Rush

Let me start by saying that Premium Rush was way better than I expected it to be. I went into the theatre with the lowered expectation of the late-August release date (Piranha, I'm looking in your direction) and I left feeling impressed.

The story is seemingly simple: Bike-messenger Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) has been sent on his last delivery of the day and   the package he is carrying attracts the attention of some undesirable characters who spend the duration of the movie trying to get the envelope from the courier.

The story is told in a way that mixes the Guy Ritchie explain-then-show fashion of Sherlock Holmes (recall the fight scenes and how Holmes will assess the situation and plan his attack) and the non-linear storytelling of Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. The visual style of the movie is very current because it uses a Google Maps style method of describing where Wilee needs to go and how far he is from his destination. In that sense, it is very 2012. But as I've said before, being current isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes I find it annoying when movies don't apply the current technology in their story because it's harder to immerse myself in the film when the characters aren't doing what I'd do - using a cell phone to text a friend, for example.

Premium Rush is highly recommended. It delivers high-energy and fast-paced action coupled with a surprisingly complex storyline. If you enjoy non-linear storytelling and high-energy chase movies then please, do yourself a favour and see Premium Rush.

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