Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A.T.M - stands for A True Mistake

Director: David Brooks
Starring: Josh Peck, Brian Geraghty and Alice Eve
DVD Review

Before watching ATM, I was already skeptical. A B-Movie about an ATM and people getting trapped in it? COME ON! But I decided to give it a shot anyways hoping it might be like P2.

The movie started off with your typical office Christmas party (hello P2!) with three typical characters - Peck, the shy, hardworking, will never get the girl, friend of the popular, playboy, drunk, Geraghty and Eve, the seemingly unattainable perfect girl with a soft side for shy puppy dogs. It's obvious from the beginning that Corey (played by Peck) is going to get the girl, Emily (played by Eve). And that the disaster best friend, David (played by Geraghty) is going to do something ridiculously stupid to get himself killed.

Leaving the Christmas party late, the group stops at a random, isolated ATM and park....extremely far away from it! This might be the most unrealistic thing that happens in the movie. Why wouldn't you park right in front of the building?? And it just continues to go downhill from here. Eventually, all three main characters end up in the ATM when the mysterious killer shows up and manages to "trap" them in the small building.

The movie had a ton of potential - we have seen concepts like this work in previous films such as P2 and Phonebooth. However, this movie tries way too hard and does not follow through with the storyline. Even the "twist" at the end, which you can see coming a mile away, seems forced.

Final Verdict: If you're interested in a cheesy B-Movie, with a little suspense, try this one. But don't expect a great, realistic plot. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't great. It was a disappointment.

Skip it.

Rotten Tomatoes

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