Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Joss Whedon Confirmed for The Avengers 2

Via Cineplex

It has been confirmed that Joss Whedon will be back at the helm for The Avengers 2. Cineplex reports that Whedon will be writing and directing the sequel to the wildly popular franchise.

From the article...
Marvel's Avengers 2 has no release date as yet but, given the timing of the rest of their forthcoming slate, it will most likely be some time in 2015. But before you bemoan the wait, remember that you've got Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy, to look forward to in the meantime.
And that is a lot of Avenger-y goodness between now and 2015!

Check out the full article here.

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