Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Great Gatsby Delay = more money for Warner Bros and no Oscar for Leo

Via Tribute

Well, looks like Leonardo DiCaprio will once again watch another Academy Awards gala and not hear his name called for a Best Actor nomination.

According to Warner Bros., The Great Gatsby is being pushed to summer 2013 instead of the original Christmas 2012 release date to ensure it “reaches the largest audience possible". So basically, they want to make more money. And with the release of The Hobbit set for December 2012, the production company still has a chance at some Oscar nods.

However, it looks like Leo will have to take a back seat yet again when it comes to the Academy Awards.

From the article:

This news is not only disappointing for fans, but it may be bad news for the stars - namely the two leads - Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan. The two were believed to have had a shot at winning Best Actor and Best Actress for their roles in the film. Despite three nominations and countless outstanding performances, DiCaprio has yet to win an Oscar. Pushing the film to a summer 2013 release decreases DiCaprio's Oscar chances - serious Oscar contenders are generally released in December. DiCaprio's only hope for an Oscar this year will now be as Best Supporting Actor in Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained.

Leo is among a wide list of actors that deserve, though have yet to receive, an Oscar. As well, Baz Lurhman will not get a chance to receive an Oscar nod of his own for what is sure to be a "Spectacular, Spectacular!" film. (For those of you who don't recognize the name, Lurhman directed the magnificent films William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (also starring Leo) and Moulin Rouge!, the latter inspiring my last quote. 

If you haven't seen it yet, here's the trailer for The Great Gatsby:

Check out the full article here.

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