Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Trailer Tuesdays - Oblivion

A late post, but a post nonetheless. Came across this trailer on the IMDb home page. It's an upcoming sci-fi film called, Oblivion. Check out the trailer:

I have to say, I am not impressed with the casting of Tom Cruise in this role. Do the big wigs at Universal not remember War of the Worlds? Cruise can barely carry a serious movie these days let alone a sci-fi film. Unlike regular movie critics and fans, sci-fi critics/fans are very passionate and will not tolerate insolence (insert Dr. Evil voice over here). *Side note: Cruise is the Hollywood's highest paid actor. Really? REALLY? I guess there's no accounting for taste*

I could barely get through the first chunk of this trailer. I just cannot take Cruise seriously. He has become an awful actor, and hasn't put out a decent film since 2004's Collateral. He is very one dimensional and for a film like this, you have to show a little more range than that of say, Mission: Impossible 10 (okay, so there is no 10th film in the Mission: Impossible series but there has been way too many and a 5th installment in the franchise has recently been announced. Shudders). *Another side note: Cruise did have an unexpectedly funny cameo role in 2008's Tropic Thunder*

Honestly, didn't pay too much attention to the first minute of this trailer because it seemed very "been there, done that". But then something amazing happened; Morgan Freeman appeared. And with that simple appearance, he might have saved the film. Things started getting a bit more interesting; the film becomes more of a "it's not what it seems" type film which is right up Christine and I's alley. We love a good conspiracy theory or film with a twist (surprising) ending. Maybe this film will accomplish that. But for now, it's not making a movie list. Need more information before we can make an informed decision on this one.

For more information on this film, check out the Wikipedia page here.

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