Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Trailer Tuesdays - After Earth

Two weeks of sci-fi movie trailers! Seems like we are gearing up for quite the summer of movies!

By special request from Tony, check out this trailer for Will Smith's upcoming sci-fi film called After Earth.

I'm pretty amazed at movies these days. Lots of big production/CGI/special effects going into more films than usual. The bar has definitely been raised - especially from Smith's first trip to the sci-fi genre, 1996's Independence Day

Smith has some sci-fi-clout behind his name; he has successfully starred in the hit films, Men In Black (and its sequels 2 and 3), I Am Legend, I, Robot, and the aforementioned Independence Day. With that being said, there's a high chance that he will have another sci-fi hit on his hands with After Earth.

A quick synopsis of the film, gathered from this trailer and the tentative IMDB.com page, Smith and real life youngest son, Jaden Smith, play a father and son who crash-land on an unfamiliar and long since abandoned, planet earth. As Smith's character is unable to leave their craft (from what can only be assumed as a diabilitating injury), it's up to the younger Smith's character to find a way off the planet.

Graphics look superb. Storyline seems decent (they haven't said much which leads me to believe that there is more to this story than meets the eye). And M. Night Shyamalan is the director. Now, he is not the writer of the film, but even so, we can be guaranteed some sort of twist in this film, as that is his trademark movie-making style.

I love the fact that this film pairs the Smith father and son duo again (last and first scene together in 2006's The Pursuit of Happyness. It also serves as a way for Smith to "pass the torch" of the action hero role to his young son. Though Smith still has some action genre film role years left in him (seriously, does he ever age?) and Jaden Smith is still relatively young (he's only 13), I'm sure we can expect a few more action-packed films from Will Smith in the near future. (Check out his IMDB.com page - there are already announcements for sequels for I, Robot, Hancock, and Bad Boys).

I'm looking forward to adding this one to the summer 2013 movie list.

Check out the wikipedia page here or the official movie page here.

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