Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Five-Year Engagement - or What Was Emily Blunt Thinking?

The Five-Year Engagement
Director: Nicholas Stoller
Starring: Jason Segel, Emily Blunt, Chris Pratt
DVD Review

I was bored one night. That's my reasoning behind watching this film. I must also mention that I am not a Jason Segal fan. I do not find him funny. Though I will give him the occasional chuckle while watching his films (for example, I Love You Man or Forgetting Sarah Marshall) - but let's be honest - I was most likely laughing at the rest of the ensemble cast.

I would have to say it was the tagline "from the producer of Bridesmaids" and the fact that Emily Blunt was starring in it that initially had me think "hey, it can't all be bad" when choosing to watch this film. But what I should've done was read between the lines: the "producer" of Bridesmaids clearly means it was the lowly producer who threw a few hundred dollars at Kristen Wiig to get her BRILLIANT film started. Hence why they don't put the name of the producer in the tagline. That's a rookie mistake for this movie geek.

The plot centres around a couple (Segal and Blunt) who get engaged after dating for one year. They continuously have to postpone their wedding plans as a series of delays and career changes seemingly pop up out of nowhere. I bet you can guess how this story ends. And I can safely say without spoiling the film, that you are right. How can you spoil something that is already so rotten?

Why, Emily Blunt? WHY? This is definitely a low point in your career - but on the bright side, you can only go up from here. Why is it that when actors start to get praise from the critics and their peers for their work in a film (or films), they decide to do a really bad film? (Think Natalie Portman's poor choice of starring in No Strings Attached). 

The main issue with this film is: was it supposed to be a comedy? Because I didn't laugh - not even once. Even supporting characters played by Chris Pratt (Parks and Recreation) and Alison Brie (Community) who are usually pretty funny, didn't produce a genuine laugh. Just plain sad and pathetic attempts to be raunchy and funny.

Final Verdict: If you feel like wasting two hours of your life and being completely bored out of your mind, well this is the movie for you. If you want a funny movie about weddings, try Bridesmaids or The Wedding Singer. Make sure you pass this movie over when you see it lying in the $5 bargain bin at Wal-Mart.

Skip it. 

Rotten Tomatoes

1 comment:

Ashley said...

This review totally captures the movie. It was WAY too long and it was painful to watch. Not being one to walk out of a movie, I thought about it several times because it was just way too long. I think sometimes good actors think "this will be a fun project" but to everyone else watching we're left thinking "WHY would you star in this??" 2+ hours of my life I will not get back.