Saturday, October 13, 2012

Piranha 3DD - the extra D is for Dreadful

Piranha 3DD
Director: John Gulager
Starring: Danielle Panabaker, David Hasselhoff and Matt Bush
DVD Review

Okay, before you judge me, there is method to my mayhem. I watched this movie because I enjoyed the first one so much. Honestly, it might have been one of the best 3D movies I have seen to date. So I had high hopes for this sequel. But I should have known better - you just can't make a sequel to a cheesy 3D movie. It never works.

The opening scene tried to replicate the opening scene of the 2010 film - but the use of Gary Busey was not only extremely cheesy, it was just plain dumb. There is a fine line between embracing the cheesy-ness of your film ala Piranha (2010) and over indulging in it ala this crapfest. Where the first film's opening scene with Richard Dreyfuss was pure genius, this scene felt forced. However, it did set you up for what the rest of the film would feel like - a complete waste of time.

The acting was sub par, (could they not find actors that used to be A-list actors but now needed to revitalize their careers - hello Elizabeth Shue and Jerry O'Connell, I'm talking to you), the cameos were so ridiculously cheesy, I swear I saw fromage forming on my TV whenever they magically appeared for their short scenes and the filming was way too low budget. And not in a good way (think Quentin Tarantino's Grindhouse). I felt like I was watching one of those late night "Call me for a good time" commercials. Lots of quick shots to boobs, boobs and more boobs. Again, done way over the top.

Christopher Lloyd (among a few others) returned for brief cameos in this sequel. Lloyd's short scene(s) might be the only saving grace of this abomination of a film. Man, I am glad I didn't waste my money seeing this one in theatre!

And just to leave you with a taste of how cheesy this movie was, one of the "quotable" lines (you know those lines that can be used for taglines, trailers, etc) was "I don't wanna die a virgin". Really? REALLY???

Final Verdict: don't even waste your time. Pretend like this movie never even happened! And if you are in the mood for a good, cheesy, guilty pleasure type movie - watch the original 2010 version, "a campy masterpiece of a movie" (

Skip it.

Rotten Tomatoes

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