Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Looper - a simple title for a semi-complicated film

Director: Rian Johnson
Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, and Emily Blunt
New Release Review

Christine's Review
I really enjoyed Looper, but it is being advertised wrongly. It is not a high-action sci-fi thriller, as the trailers suggest, but a slow burn of a movie with a story that uses the time travel device to ask larger questions about humanity. And it isn't as complicated as you'd think. Briefly, the plot centres around young Joe (Gordon-Levitt), an assassin contracted by future mobsters who send their victims back to Joe's time (before time travel is invented, in fact) where he does his work. Problems start for young Joe when the future version of Joe (Willis) is is sent back in time and escapes before young Joe can complete the contract or "close the loop" in the film's parlance. Don't worry, all of this comes out in the first 10 minutes of the film so I'm not spoiling anything for you.

Old Joe tells young Joe about the Rainmaker, a hugely powerful mobster in the future who is taking over the city. Old Joe has come back to track down the Rainmaker and stop him from taking over the city in the future by killing him as a child. This is where the film gets interesting because now there are subtle questions raised essentially opening the determinism versus free will and nature versus nurture debates respectively. I'd go so far as to say that the time travel elements of the film are just a MacGuffin, a way to drive the plot to the real story: can we change the course of the future with a single act?

I would recommend Looper because it isn't a typical sci-fi, time travel movie because it doesn't get bogged down in the details of the science. In fact, there is no science, it's just presented as fact that there is time travel in the far future. And for a movie set in 2044 it looks remarkably like today except for the robots working the fields and the motorcycles with jet engines. I like that the movie chooses to present just a few differences to remind us that we're in 2044 and keep us feeling comfortable in this future world.

Arlaine's Review

I also really enjoyed Looper. Though it wasn't the most compelling film I have seen this year (that award still goes to The Cabin in the Woods) it was very entertaining. Christine was right; this is not an action-packed, sci-fi film as the trailers and marketing would have you believe. There is a stronger storyline than the typical action movie that brings out the heart of the characters involved. Particularly Gordon-Levitt's portrayal of Joe; a character that you get to follow on his journey (his current dilemma and his self-discovery as a man).

Perfectly cast, the film's main ensemble of Gordon-Levitt, Willis, Blunt and Jeff Daniels, provide a well-rounded story that is easy for the audience to follow. But like Christine mentioned, this story provides you with information that makes you question what is happening on a deeper level than say a movie like Iron Man. Hence, the title of this post.

Although I would normally prefer to see a little more explanation when it comes to the "why" and "how" of time travel (even something as simple as needing 1.21 gigawatts), I did appreciate the simplicity of not adding this into the film. And I think this act helped create a more neatly put together storyline. Most sci-fi films leave tons of plot holes. This film filled what little holes popped up without being hoaky, which some sci-fi films tend to become. Although critics raved it is a terrific sci-fi film, I would have to disagree with James Mottram of Total Film who stated it's "the best sci-fi movie since Moon". Please Mr. Mottram. Yes, Looper was a great film. But it was in no way comparable to the marvel that was Moon. (If you haven't seen Moon yet, DO IT! Especially if you love sci-fi films).

Final Verdict: See it. An enjoyable thrill ride that doesn't take you on the extreme highs and lows that some big budget action movies always do. A time travel plotline that doesn't solely revolve around time travel and is easy to follow. A sci-fi film for those who aren't necessarily sci-fi fans.

PS: if anything, see this film for the adorable young actor, Pierce Gagnon. He stole my heart on One Tree Hill and he does it all over again in this film.

Rotten Tomatoes

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trailer Tuesdays - The Intouchables (France)

The Intouchables is a French film (subtitled in English) about a wealthy bourgeois disabled white man (Francois Cluzet) and the lower-class black man (Omar Sy) he hires to be his carer/companion. The film is based upon a true story of a quadriplegic finding a friend in an unusual place, with each man helping the other in unexpected ways.

The story focuses on Philippe (Cluzet) and his attempts to be more integrated into mainstream life by hiring Driss (Sy). Driss is also an "untouchable" in the social sense because he lives in a cité which is the suburbs where those of North African nationality or heritage typically live. Through the eyes of Driss we see the distance between the rich and the poor by highlighting the luxury Philippe indulges in while Driss and his family experience a much different life.

The trailer kept me captivated and left me wanting to see more. Already very successful in France, I hope that The Intouchables makes it to Canada.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Trailer Tuesdays - Iron Man 3

For the first edition of what will now be known as Trailer Tuesdays, I came across this wonderful gem on the Fan Expo Canada Facebook page. Marvel has officially released the full (two minute length) trailer for Iron Man 3. Yes, there is a third installment in this franchise - but did you really expect anything less?

Without further it is!

Iron Man 3 sees the return of Robert Downey Jr. in the title role that in all purposes, revitalized his career and made him a bonafide action star. Let's be honest, his character all but carried the entire The Avengers film. So it's great to see him in a definite starring role as his Marvel superhero. Also starring in the film are returning actors Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle and new big baddie Sir Ben Kingsley! Wow! What a fantastic choice for this film's villain.

This trailer sets up this film for what I hope will be the perfect end to a superhero trilogy - please, Marvel, do not make any more Iron Man movies. Downey Jr., although superb in this role, is getting old and can't be running around saving people in an iron costume forever.

The action looks incredible. The story line? Meh. All in all, looks like this film will be the perfect way to kick off the Summer 2013 Movie List.

I was just happy to see that it was "Iron Man 3" and not "Iron Man 3D". But this is Marvel, so I am not counting out 3D yet. Yikes.

*Update* After further research into this film, I have discovered that it will indeed be a 3D movie. And worse yet, it will be converted to 3D in post production. Hasn't anyone in the film production industry learned from the tragedy that was Clash of the Titans?? Oh, shudders.

For more information on the upcoming film, check out the Marvel website or the Wikipedia page

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Expendables 2 aka These Old Guys Need To Make Some Money!

The Expendables 2 
Director: Simon West
Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham and Randy Couture
New Release Review

Another August, another surprise movie hit. The Expendables 2 was everything I wanted a movie like this to be. Funny, action packed and just plain fun!

The plot picks up from the first Expendables movie - a group of mercenaries come together "one last time" to save the world. What more do you expect from a movie that boasts action stars from the 80s, 90s and even today? We don't want any complicated plot lines - just give us a basic story and fill it in with humour and action - and this film delivers on both accounts.

I have to say - from the moment the movie started, I was in stitches. The actors fully embraced their "80s action hero" personae and made the audience remember why we loved them all so much. Whether it was Chuck Norris playing up the "Chuck Norris facts" phenomenon or Arnold Schwarzenegger ripping the door off of a Smart Car, there was never a dull moment in this film. Unlike the first installment in this series that seemed to take itself too seriously for the majority of the film. 

Best casting addition in this film: Jean-Claude Van Damme as the main antagonist. A-MAZ-ING. You still can't understand a word he's saying and he can still kick ass. I've got no complaints!

Another great addition (or change) was that Stallone removed himself from the director's helm and brought in Simon West, who's previous films Con Air, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, and most recently The Mechanic, make him the perfect "action genre director" to steer this film towards the right direction (no pun intended). 

In true Hollywood money making fashion - there is another sequel in the works. Honestly, I would love to see another film if it is anything like this addition in the franchise. (I guess it's safe to say it is a franchise now) There are so many more actors that can be used in the next film: Steven Seagel, John Travolta, Nicolas Cage, Antonio Banderas, Jackie Chan and of course - Wesley Snipes (who Stallone has been hoping he can get into one of these films but hasn't fulfilled that dream due to Snipes current incarceration). The well of 80s and 90s action stars is unending!

*Update* - I forgot to mention how conveniently released this film was - over the next few months we will see new films from Stallone, Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis!) Can you say, "Re-starting careers?" 

Final Verdict: A must see for any fan of any of these actors and their previous franchises (or films) that made them a bonafide action star (Willis - Die Hard, Schwarzenegger - Terminator, Stallone - Rocky, etc). Lots of fun and no thinking required! A great "movie" that captures its genre perfectly. A film that is "excellent crap, fine junk, an exercise in campy movie nostalgia" (Lisa Schwarzbaum - Entertainment Weekly)

See it.

Rotten Tomatoes

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Five-Year Engagement - or What Was Emily Blunt Thinking?

The Five-Year Engagement
Director: Nicholas Stoller
Starring: Jason Segel, Emily Blunt, Chris Pratt
DVD Review

I was bored one night. That's my reasoning behind watching this film. I must also mention that I am not a Jason Segal fan. I do not find him funny. Though I will give him the occasional chuckle while watching his films (for example, I Love You Man or Forgetting Sarah Marshall) - but let's be honest - I was most likely laughing at the rest of the ensemble cast.

I would have to say it was the tagline "from the producer of Bridesmaids" and the fact that Emily Blunt was starring in it that initially had me think "hey, it can't all be bad" when choosing to watch this film. But what I should've done was read between the lines: the "producer" of Bridesmaids clearly means it was the lowly producer who threw a few hundred dollars at Kristen Wiig to get her BRILLIANT film started. Hence why they don't put the name of the producer in the tagline. That's a rookie mistake for this movie geek.

The plot centres around a couple (Segal and Blunt) who get engaged after dating for one year. They continuously have to postpone their wedding plans as a series of delays and career changes seemingly pop up out of nowhere. I bet you can guess how this story ends. And I can safely say without spoiling the film, that you are right. How can you spoil something that is already so rotten?

Why, Emily Blunt? WHY? This is definitely a low point in your career - but on the bright side, you can only go up from here. Why is it that when actors start to get praise from the critics and their peers for their work in a film (or films), they decide to do a really bad film? (Think Natalie Portman's poor choice of starring in No Strings Attached). 

The main issue with this film is: was it supposed to be a comedy? Because I didn't laugh - not even once. Even supporting characters played by Chris Pratt (Parks and Recreation) and Alison Brie (Community) who are usually pretty funny, didn't produce a genuine laugh. Just plain sad and pathetic attempts to be raunchy and funny.

Final Verdict: If you feel like wasting two hours of your life and being completely bored out of your mind, well this is the movie for you. If you want a funny movie about weddings, try Bridesmaids or The Wedding Singer. Make sure you pass this movie over when you see it lying in the $5 bargain bin at Wal-Mart.

Skip it. 

Rotten Tomatoes

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Piranha 3DD - the extra D is for Dreadful

Piranha 3DD
Director: John Gulager
Starring: Danielle Panabaker, David Hasselhoff and Matt Bush
DVD Review

Okay, before you judge me, there is method to my mayhem. I watched this movie because I enjoyed the first one so much. Honestly, it might have been one of the best 3D movies I have seen to date. So I had high hopes for this sequel. But I should have known better - you just can't make a sequel to a cheesy 3D movie. It never works.

The opening scene tried to replicate the opening scene of the 2010 film - but the use of Gary Busey was not only extremely cheesy, it was just plain dumb. There is a fine line between embracing the cheesy-ness of your film ala Piranha (2010) and over indulging in it ala this crapfest. Where the first film's opening scene with Richard Dreyfuss was pure genius, this scene felt forced. However, it did set you up for what the rest of the film would feel like - a complete waste of time.

The acting was sub par, (could they not find actors that used to be A-list actors but now needed to revitalize their careers - hello Elizabeth Shue and Jerry O'Connell, I'm talking to you), the cameos were so ridiculously cheesy, I swear I saw fromage forming on my TV whenever they magically appeared for their short scenes and the filming was way too low budget. And not in a good way (think Quentin Tarantino's Grindhouse). I felt like I was watching one of those late night "Call me for a good time" commercials. Lots of quick shots to boobs, boobs and more boobs. Again, done way over the top.

Christopher Lloyd (among a few others) returned for brief cameos in this sequel. Lloyd's short scene(s) might be the only saving grace of this abomination of a film. Man, I am glad I didn't waste my money seeing this one in theatre!

And just to leave you with a taste of how cheesy this movie was, one of the "quotable" lines (you know those lines that can be used for taglines, trailers, etc) was "I don't wanna die a virgin". Really? REALLY???

Final Verdict: don't even waste your time. Pretend like this movie never even happened! And if you are in the mood for a good, cheesy, guilty pleasure type movie - watch the original 2010 version, "a campy masterpiece of a movie" (

Skip it.

Rotten Tomatoes

Where Have You Been All My Life?

Well, first and foremost I must apologize for the lack of new posts. But, I am only taking part of the blame - the rest is due to the very limited amount of (good) movies that were released in August/September. But now that the Fall movie list is in full effect, we can get down to business!

I have many reviews on the go so look for new posts daily! Also - look for new additions to the blog - perhaps a Vlog?? Only time will tell!

Until next time - Dance magic dance!
