Wednesday, March 6, 2013

100 Posts! Yippie ki yay!

Hi Everyone,

This post marks our 100th post here at Don't Sit Next to Us. That's a lot of movies!

We couldn't have done it without you, reader, so thank you for visiting, reading, and commenting. Arlaine and I really enjoy writing about movies and reading your comments.

We'll keep writing and we hope that you'll keep doing what you're doing right now - reading. Tell your friends about us, too. The Movie Geeks always have something new to say about the latest releases and throwbacks. Not to mention our newest occasional feature Fandom Fridays where we talk about something that isn't necessarily movie related (but probably will be).

Once again, thanks to our readers for making this blog a success. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, subscribe to the blog for updates, or enter your email address for alerts when there is a new post.

Arlaine & Christine
The Movie Geeks

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