Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Warner Brothers 3D not up to snuff? What about Harry?

In an intriguing statement, director Louis Leterrier has stated that he is not satisfied with the 3D conversion Warner Brothers studios applied in post-production to his latest film Clash of the Titans.
Listen, it was not my intention to do it in 3D; it was not my decision to convert it in 3D.
Conversions, they all look like this. "Alice in Wonderland" looks like this. Remember the technology was not ready, so it's Warner Brothers saying we are giving you the best of what we can do.
(read the rest of the interview here)

So it is a money-grab on the part of the studio, but that isn't what's bothering me (though it is a disturbing reality in the movie business). It's the thought that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is going to look just as bad because of the Warner Brothers 3D conversion processes. Not only was HP7 split into two films, likely due in equal parts to the complex plot of the final book and the desire to make as big a profit as possible, but it's going to be converted into 3D. Why is this necessary? I don't understand why the final installment(s) of the series need to be visually different from the previous films. It's a SERIES and as such, should remain consistent throughout. I was completely underwhelmed with the prospect of Deathly Hallows in 3D, and now I'm totally against the idea. According to a director, the technology isn't good enough for conversion (as opposed to filming in 3D with two cameras) without making the movie feel like a Viewmaster image.

For shame, Warner Brothers, for shame. You can ruin other movies but Harry Potter fans will not stand for you detracting from the most anticipated films of the series: the final battle between Harry and Voldemort. I won't be paying to see it in 3D, and neither should you.

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