Sunday, March 7, 2010

who we are and what we do (part 2)

I'm Arlaine, I'm one half of don't sit next to us and I too, am addicted to film. I love everything about movies. EVERYTHING. I love going to the theatre, the smell of popcorn, the mindless chatter from the people waiting in line with you, the three, four, sometimes five (if you're lucky) previews that come BEFORE the movie begins and of course, there's nothing like hearing that screeching noise that comes right before they start those dreaded commercials!

A few years ago, Christine and I decided to make a "movie list". It started as a "summer movie list" and over the years, has spawned off two sequels: a "fall movie list" and a "winter/spring movie list". As Christine mentioned, we have a certain criteria for movies making The List. In order to get a good feel for a new movie, we need to see a decent trailer. Teaser trailers only work for hyped up movies (ie HARRY POTTER) because we already know we are going to see it; as professional movie-goers, we tend to do our research months in advance. But for a regular movie to make The List, a two minute (at least) trailer must be seen. It is for this reason why we talk during the previews. I like to think of that time as our meeting time.

Sometimes after a first look at a trailer, we need to do further research into the movie's storyline to get a better concept of whether or not we would like to add it to The List. For example, Inglorious Basterds got a free pass through the first set of red tape for The List because it was directed by Quentin Tarantino. However, the shear fact that it was "starring" Brad Pitt (which honestly, is debatable seeing as he wasn't really in the majority of the film), forced us to put the movie on the back burner while we looked deeper into the storyline before we could consider putting it on The List. Needless to say, we liked what we saw (and read) and decided to put it on the Summer Movie List. No regrets there.

Over time, The List has grown into a movie culture; a culture we like to refer to as Movie Club. Yes, just like Fight Club. And like Fight Club, there are a few rules. First rule of Movie Club: You don't talk about Movie Club. Second rule of Movie Club: You DON'T talk about Movie Club. - Okay I could go on with this gag but I choose not to because, unlike some movies (2012) I know when to stop beating a dead horse! However, I must state the most important rule of Movie Club: NO CLAPPING. There's nothing I can't stand more than some idiot clapping at the end of a movie. Especially if that movie was CRAP! Seriously, why do people clap? Nobody on the screen can HEAR you clapping for them! So basically you end up clapping for the projectionist and the theatre staff. (Who do deserve some recognition but not in the form of applause)

But, I digress...

One important thing to note about don't sit next to us: We will not just review new releases that we see in theatre. We will also be reviewing movies released on DVD and the occasional revisited classic. Basically nothing has immunity when it comes to don't sit next to us.

Again, what are we doing here online? Well, we have a passion for film and we want to express our thoughts and insights to anyone who wants to listen. That's where you come in - we have our opinions and strong as they might be, we WANT you to share yours too. So feel free to join in the discussion!

...Look for our first review on Avatar - aka the snoozer of the year.

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