Wednesday, May 29, 2013

No Movies and No Popcorn Make Christine....Something Something

Something unusual happened this weekend: I didn't go to the movies.

Now, if you're a regular reader of Don't Sit Next to Us you'll know that a weekend without a visit to the cinema is a rarity - especially during the summer movie season. But I didn't go. I didn't want to see Fast and Furious 6000 or The Hangover, or see any of the previously released movies for a second time. So I stayed home (I actually had a nap - what an exciting life I lead). Arlaine went to see Fast and Furious and she said it was amazing so if you're a fan of that series you'll want to check out her review (coming soon).

Later that same day...

It's 9 o'clock and I'm looking for something interesting to watch on TV. What to my wondering eyes should appear? But Robert Downey Jr. and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. (If you've been paying attention to the summer blockbusters, you'll recognize that title as the last movie director Shane Black and RDJ worked together before teaming up for Iron Man 3.)

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) is the pseudo-noir story of Harry Lockhart (Downey), a thief-turned-actor who is learning how to be a private detective by shadowing Gay Perry (Val Kilmer). The two stumble into a murder plot and the story takes many twists and turns from there.

I loved this movie. It's got RDJ at what I consider to be his best. I find him to be most interesting and most compelling when he isn't playing the incredibly confident and self-assured Sherlock Holmes/Tony Stark characters that have been his default state as of late. Iron Man 3 had a little of that vulnerability but it was used as an obstacle he had to overcome rather than a personality trait. The character of Harry narrates at the beginning and the end of the movie and the way in which he narrates is almost exactly what I'm thinking when I watch a movie. Seriously, it's like the writer sat beside me during a movie and copied down my sarcastic comments for future use.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang  draws upon Tarantino-style of conversation at times yet, unlike many Tarantino-style monologues, manages to feel spontaneous and realistic. There are some genuine laughs to be had for such a dark storyline so don't be fooled by the pseudo-noir and murder mystery themes. Stylistic "auteur" elements like the pausing of the film while the narrator is on a tangent or the meta, self-referential commentary on what the audience is seeing are thankfully kept to a minimum at the beginning and the end of the movie. It allows the story to unfold and draw us into this warped world of Hollywood and hangers-on without being distracted by the unnecessary reminders that we're watching a movie.

Overall I'd definitely recommend Kiss Kiss Bang Bang to anyone who enjoys noir, neo-noir, dark comedy, murder mysteries, and Robert Downey, Jr.. It's a lot like Seven Psychopaths from last year - which I just realized I never reviewed (so look for that in the coming weeks as well)!

Rotten Tomatoes

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Trailer Tuesday - Thor: The Dark World

We are due for another year chop full of superhero films! Check out the first trailer for November's Thor: The Dark World:

This is one superhero film I am really excited to see. Not a huge fan of Thor, I found myself really enjoying the first film. And not solely because they chose the best actor to portray the title character. The story was really well done. And it also helped that Kenneth Branagh was in the director's chair. Unknown director Alan Taylor has replaced Branagh which could go either way: could be good because he isn't influenced by big budget action/sets/props like some hollywood directors (Michael Bay, I'm looking at you) or it could be bad because he really has no clue what to do with a film of this size. I'm hoping it's the former and he will have a "Joss Whedon" moment with this film.

Unlike a lot of superhero films, a sequel to 2011's Thor makes sense. There were a lot of questions left unanswered with the previous film (and subsequently 2012's epic superhero mash-up The Avengers) and a lot of story left to tell. And with a dynamic villain such as Loki (portrayed by the brilliant Tom Hiddleston), there's no telling where what we will see in this upcoming film.

The trailer doesn't follow the typical superhero film trailer format. Instead of focusing on the big fight and action scenes, we see more about the characters and the story behind them. We get to see a further look into the world of Asgard (and the worlds surrounding it) that we only caught a glimpse of in the first film. We also get to see that Thor has completely embraced his "hero" fate.

The sequel sees returns from actors Chris Hemsworth (in the title role), Hiddleston, Natalie Portman, Kat Denning, Stellan Skarsgard, and Anthony Hopkins as Thor's father and King of Asgard. New to the franchise is Christopher Eccelston, who will be taking on the role of the main antagonist in this film, Malekith. I'm excited to see what he will bring to this role as he is a great actor who can take on any role.

The film is set to be released on November 8, 2013 and will unfortunately be converted to 3D post-production. Oh joy. (Have you seen Clash of the Titans? Check out our review of that mess here). 

For more information on the upcoming film, check out the official page here or the Wikipedia page and be sure to check Don't Sit Next To Us for updates!